

Yes, I realize I have forgotten here. However, I am going to start off by saying simply that I am alive. My UTAU are all alive.

Exciting news for them.

They are all going to be worked on big time. ACT2's and oto fixes galore here. I'm gonna limit to one a month, making life easier on me. ^ ^;

Aya has an ACT2 out already, you can check it out on my YouTube. I'll put up the new Download link for her.

Watch my dA for polls about my UTAU if you want to be in on who goes up in what month.

So far, here is who I need to work on:

Kamine Kiyoshi (Currently working on otoing a re-recorded bank)
Feiruko ACT2
Feiruko Append (oto fixing and re-record some sounds possibly)
Zuikou Tereya ACT2 (Might be possibility of Append, no promises)
Yoshine Aya Appends (There is more than one that I have recorded or waiting to be recorded)
Nakunarune Kakera ACT2
Amadare Yukiko ACT2
Amadare Yukiko Append(s) (Possibility if X-37 agrees to voicing one or two)
Nakurnarune Kakera ACT2
Viola and Cesario (oto and release)

Long list, huh? Yeah, I thought so too. But I can do it one at a time hopefully. So, look forward to ALL that.

Yeah, that's it for update. Love you all. C:

Click for my deviantART where my polls will go!
Click to go to my YouTube Channel!


Kami Has Been Released!

Yeah. Kami is out. 8D

And she officially is a part of the CHAYloids blog.

Check Out Kami's Release Here!

Yeah, she's pretty awesome. I am featuring her in my Halloween UTAU song thing. XD;; You'll see when I put it out.

Anyways, Kami's DL will be linked like the rest of the CHAYloids. So you can DL her with the CHAYloids. 8D

I will be posting updates as they are given to me by her maker(Well, pitcher, but same freakin diff). So, look forward to Kami updates. 8D


Also, I would like to say that Kiyoshi Kamine is coming out soon! I just need to straighten him out. I hope to have him out before the Halloween UTAU Special I kind of sort of am planning. So yeah.But if not, then I guess I can deal. But still, look out for Kiyo coming out. 8D


Updates FTW

...I need naming skills. OTL

Anyways. It's the 9th. Meaning tomorrow Yukiko comes out!
Excited? I am sorta. XD

A new UTAU jumps into the CHAYloid family! <3 A pitchloid off of Tereya. Who? Kami Shouchikubai! What does her name mean? "Top High" She belongs to a good friend of mine who I'mma call Chibi Kokoro cause that was her original name in the 'Chibi' family. <3

So this blog now features Kami. ^ ^

Anyways. Aya may be released with Yukiko tomorrow. I mean come on, 10/10/10! Once in a lifetime chance here. <3 So look forward for tomorow! 8D

....Yeah, that was all I wanted to say. So I'll leave you with Yukiko's cover of Dear You I uploaded a while ago on YT but never posted here or anything. XD



Release Schedule's?

I start this off with an apology. I have forgoten about the blog. OTL

...But did I not say I would? XD

Of course being typical I forgot my password. But I did remember after like... 15 minutes.

ANYWAYS. That aside, I'm updating now, so woot. Okay, Releases for UTAU!

First, allow me to show you over the current WIP's I have going on.


Aya Yoshine = Tie up loose ends
Kiyoshi Kamine = Design, Tie up loose ends, perhaps record over again
Feiruko = Working on an Append
Yukiko Amadare = Tie up loose ends
Tereya Zuikou(Previously Unnamed) = Originally not for release so debating her release, if decided to release: tie up loose ends as well
Unamed UTAU 2 = This one needs basically a name, design, and loose ends tied up

SO. Those are all of them. I will go into detail on a few since people are probably confused. First off, Tereya and the other Unnamed buddy. Tereya was previously unnamed until she was pulled out of the files and named by Shiroi. I decided to keep Tereya's VB for myself and my few close friends who would like her. But when I posted her on YouTube, I get one of the people I look up to asking why I kept her all to myself. So, I'm debating with her. Don't know if I should release her or not.
But for the 'unnamed' other...That one is different from Tereya entirely. I actually pitched Aya's voicebank to create this one since my voice will only go so far. Anyways, I can do this because Aya is mine, neh? So yeah. This unnamed one I kind of want to be based off Canada...But I am thinking otherwise now. I want more or less of either a Canada-themed UTAU now or just a cute little child one. Actually, I am deciding it now. She will be a child UTAU. Because it just works best for me. I am now stuck on what to name her. I suppose she can be related to Aya. Don't know. She may end up a Yoshine. Not sure yet. I'll consult Shiroi.
Next on the list to relieve confusion over? Feiruko Append. That was my descision. I wanted to try making an Append. It all worked pretty damn well except for one thing: ko. That sound is messed. It's just like Yukiko's 'n' sound. Difference between the two problems? I can fix the Append one. So that is alright. However, moving to Yukiko, her voicer and I aren't talking anymore, we just had a 'falling out' so X-37 as she calls herself will be unavailable to fix up Yukiko. So we'll all have to deal with a hiccuping 'n' sound. And for that, I doubt she will ever get attention. Perhaps she may have an ACT2 if X-37 and I ever make up.

I hope that cleared confusions. Moving on to other news, there may be a new UTAUloid coming into the CHAYloids. This one is voice by a cousin of mine. She was supposed to be down and voicing this weekend, but something got in the way of that. So, I have no idea if this UTAU is to be voiced or not. She said she wants to, so I'm just going to hang tight until we can surely sort it out whether it will be done or not. Right now, it's just an idea up in the air.

Okay. No. Release dates. I am planning Yukiko to be out on the 10th. Aya was supposed to be out last month, but that never happened. I am hoping to get her out before the 15th. And the Feiruko Append will most likely be out today, tomorrow or the 4rth. Kiyoshi has no designated release date as of yet, and the Unnamed UTAU probably will not be out this month. Odds are I will keep Kiyo and Unnamed behind to release in November. Something to look forward too. Actually, thinking about it, the Unnamed will be officially released on December 17th. This is a special day, however, I will  not say what is so special about it. So that leaves Kiyoshi the only one without a release date so far.

WHEW! Glad that's off my chest! It's a lot to take in I know. Like a news report, am I right? Haha.
So yes. That is all you'd need to know of the CHAYloids for now. <3


Update? =w=

Haha! I am updating! 8D

Anyways, that other post? All the official gunk. Pff, not like anyone would read through that anyways.

At any rate, Feiruko is released and officially on the UTAU wiki. Check her out: Feiruko on the UTAU Wiki!

I don't know who to release next~ BUT THERE IS A NEW CHAYLOID COMING SOON TO THE FAMILY. <3

Her name? Yukiko Amadare. This is first, last style, no worries. :3 The Voicebank is still going through recording, so look forward to seeing that in the future. ;)

Too bad I couldn't get a TeTeTe UST... I would have tested it and linked what little we did record.

Yes, 'we'. I got one of my friends to voice this UTAU. :3 The friend's chosen screen name is X37. So Yu-chan will be voiced by X37.

In other news... Wait. I have no other news. This is all I needed to update on. XD

SO. Vote in the Poll for who should be the next CHAYloid released! 8D That's it for this entry~
(Short, I know. But didn't I say not to expect anymore really long and organized posts from me? XD If  not, I'mma sayin' it now.)